

频道:社会民生 日期: 浏览:1258




就读学校:Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School

所在地:Virginia Beach, VA弗吉尼亚州











This month, there were two big partiesin our family, the first one was the baptism party for their young granddaughter, and the second one was Thanksgiving party.

If you are in the catholic school like me, you will be very familiar of the word“baptism”. Baptism is a Christian or Catholic ceremony in which a person is baptized.

Retreat is one of the most biggest things in Catholic school. Retreat means “ to stay away or withdrawal”. It is like a religious field trip. As a junior girl, I just had my retreat on March. It was a wonderful experience for me. Our school plans a half-day retreat for freshmen, a full-day retreat for sophomores, a 3-day retreat for juniors ( separated by gender), and a 2-day for seniors.

During the 3-daytrip, junior girls were taken to somewhere that we do not know, and start our life there. Sounds pretty good, right? Every eight girlswould be assigned in a room. Girls cannot choose your roommates, so the people you stay with might be the one you do not know really well, or just meet in the hallway.

The journal notebooks would be assigned to every student, and it records everything about you from the freshmen retreat till the senior retreat. It records the footsteps of how you grow up and become mature.

It is a Wednesday night that we leave for the retreat in the school bus. Everybody was extremely excited and sang all the way to the Kairos house. The voicewas so loud that people outside might think there was a high school musical going on in the bus.

When we arrived, the teachers that we like the most welcome us. They sang, danced, cheered and took our phones and watches away. They said that studentswere not allowed to check the time and phones.

Exactly, the purpose of this retreat wasto stay away from the chaos and connect with Christ. Whenever people wantedto know what time it was,all the staff would answer “ It’s Kairos time!”. They wereabsolutely trained before, and you can test them in any way, they would give you the same answer.

On the first night, we weregathered to hear the speeches from the “model” seniors. They shared stories about some obstacles and how they overcame. Then we got back our own room, and sharedthe reflections and thoughts after the speech. Usually, this partwas the most emotional, because girls may connect the stories to their personal experience. After all those educational speeches, it wasparty time!

We played loud music in the main room, and itwas a big room with a volleyball court and rock climbing wall. The crowd rushed to go upon the stage and dance. One of my friends who secretly took a watch told me it was already 11:30. It was such a good time.

Next morning, wewerecalled to walk to a wooden house to have breakfast. It was a nice breakfast. I hadscramble eggs, a piece of fresh and big biscuit with jam and bacon with orange juice. Then, we went hiking! We went to a forest. The supervisor gave us time to walk around in the range that we can hear them calling.

In the afternoon, we heard some “girl’s talks” from the teachers. They talked about how to make the relationship between the teenagers better in a funny way. We realized that we do need to cherish the girls sit beside us and the friendship in high school.


After the 3-day retreat, we felt that the relationship between each of us is pulled closer. Girls are becoming more open to accept each other. It is a good start. The school really did a good job!






